Recraft Not working for my hoodie mockups
Ginger Possum
I am not happy with results when i try to add my design to my hoodie mockups. The image is never the same once it encounters the hoodie strings AND the image DOES NOT get covered by the hoodie strings. I design hoodies mainly
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Thanks for your question! I'm sorry you had this experience.
You can use the mask tool to solve this issue. Highlight your completed mockup, then click on the mask icon in the top panel, and select the areas where the image should not overlap.
Ginger Possum
Olga Mask feature is not working. Highlights areas other than the one i selected. Highlight disappears before i achieve anything!
Does mask not work on mockups??
Ginger Possum To assist you better, please send us step-by-step screenshots or, preferably, a video of your actions. This will help us provide more effective support.