Bug: Unable to create new vector style
Zircon blue Spoonbill
Please fix the bug that prevents us from creating our own vector styles. Sometimes it is possible to create a vector preset, but more often, a raster preset is created. The raster style cannot be applied to subsequent vector image generations since it is in the list of styles for raster generations
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Anna Veronika Dorogush
Supporting Vicuna
Anna Veronika Dorogush - This is not fixed. I just used a raster images with few colors and when trying to create a custom vector style it converts to raster
Anna Veronika Dorogush
Supporting Vicuna When you create the style, there is an option to choose if you want to create vector art, raster illustration, or photo. A default value is suggested, but you are able to change it. Please try changing it to whatever fits the needs.