Yearly Payment, but Monthly Credits – Is It Truly Fair?
Plastic Hawk
I wanted to express my concern regarding the current credit allocation policy for yearly subscribers. Despite paying for an entire year upfront, credits are distributed monthly, and any unused credits do not roll over. This feels somewhat unfair, especially since other competing platforms offer yearly credit allotments or allow credit rollover for annual subscribers, giving users greater flexibility and value for their commitment.
As a loyal user who opted for the yearly plan, I believe a more user-friendly credit policy would not only enhance the overall experience but also demonstrate fairness towards long-term subscribers. I kindly urge you to reconsider this approach or introduce a rollover option to ensure we can fully benefit from the subscription we’ve committed to.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.
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Eligible Peacock
I completely agree, please change this.
Cerulean Goldfish
Hi Recraft, this is completely making sense and I'm with him on this thing, we're buying the yearly plan to get bulk credits. This credits not rolling over is unfair and pointless.
We love recraft and want to be a paid subscriber that's why we're sharing our concerns.
I have friends who feel the same, assume my feedback as of 10 others atleast. We all will be happily paid customers if you change this one thing.
Rational Chameleon
I used all credits of a monthly plan which I started as a test to the platform.
before the end of the month I cancelled my plan and purchased the annual plan. Can you imagine that now I have a yearly plan with no credits. Does this make any sense?
Verdigris Kangaroo
New subscriber I also discover this and I completely agree with you