Flip the American Flag: I've repeatedly used an imported illustration of a boy wearing a backpack facing directly away from frame looking over a horizon of mountains. I say give me an "almost identical" vector illustration with just the text of "holding an American flag but the flag is flying upside down" - all i can get normally is just a "wisp" of a hint of red and white stripes in the sky or some type of flag that normally is just a corner popping out of the side of the boy and its hit or miss that its even an American flag. in the 1 in 20 chance that i get a semblance of an American flag it is ALWAYS right side up. i then follow with the "close" image and say "almost identical" and just enter in "flip the flag over upside down" or even more detailed "put the starfield at the bottom of the flag" and it will NEVER EVER EVER
flip the effing flag! Your AI SUCKS. If i can't get the simplest of prompts to work i'm dumping my sub. This is so VERY VERY
frustrating!!! Oh! BTW - the BOY is NEVER directly facing away from frame like the original image! WTF is up with that too?!? and with MULTIPLE reprompts instructing to have the subject/boy facing "DIRECTLY AWAY FROM FRAM" your AI will
create a subsequent image in proper perspective!!! Loaded question: did you just finish training your AI three weeks ago? or was it four? (Oh gee... can you tell i'm more than peeved? Jesus, I'm PAYING for this!)